07810 844268 oesystems@yahoo.co.uk

Roofers question intregrity of solar industry

In the July/August edition of Roofing Today, page 18, roofers question the integrity of solar installers not using experienced roofers to carry out installation work. In the article they site the fact that much of the work is carried out by those in the electrical...

Coalition back Feed in Tariffs

Coalition Government not to cut feed-in tariff After much speculation that the Coalition government would amend the feed-in tariff it was finally announced by Chancellor George Osborne (pictured) that: “The efficiency of feed-in tariffs will be improved at the...

Solar ECO Generator

Six months ago thoughts of building a portable solar generator were pure fantasy until an unexpected commission by parcels” giant UPS turned fiction into fact.    The project brief was to design a system using solar PV panels that could be set up on the roof of...